“There are plenty of recommendations on how to get out of trouble cheaply and fast. Most of them come down to this: Deny your responsibility.”
—Lyndon B. Johnson

“I think that there's been an unfortunate tendency for right wing think tanks to dominate these discussions. They often produce very shoddy studies and policy recommendations, which are nevertheless taken very seriously.
—Juan Cole

CCI-Toronto & ACMO
In May 2011 CCI-Toronto and ACMO submitted a 102 page Legislative Brief to Queens Park on suggested changes to the Condominium Act 1998.

It was an extensive undertaking and they have reason to be pleased with the work they put in to it.

The brief gives recommended language that is accompanied by notes stating the reasons why they want something added to or removed from the Act .

You can read their recommendations by downloading Legal Brief and reading it on your screen or printing a copy.

Anne-Marie Ambert who founded Condominium Information Centre, an excellent website for condo owners has carefully reviewed the CCI-Toronto and ACMO brief and listed the pitfalls for the owners that she sees there.

You can read her suggestions at the Condominium Information Centre site.

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