Enlightened self-interest
“For too long in this society, we have celebrated unrestrained individualism over common community.”
—Joe Biden

Some individuals might profit, in a material sense, from a philosophy of greed, but it is believed by proponents of enlightened self-interest that these individuals constitute a small minority and that the large majority of people will experience a net personal loss from a philosophy of simple selfishness.
When the selfish are the majority
If a condo corporation has a majority of owners who are short-term investors, retirees on low fixed incomes and low-income earners who put everything they had into the down payment on their units, then the short-term selfish owners—that a healthy society requires to remain a minority—joins forces and becomes a militant majority.

Education is the answer
Education is not the answer. Trying to inform the "selfish" majority that in the long run it is best for them to start paying higher fees now, when they are facing monthly bills that are getting harder and harder to pay, is an impossible task. They will reply that in the long run, we are all dead.

Best in the long term
Enlightened self-interest also has implications for long-term benefits as opposed to short-term benefits.
When an individual pursues maximum benefits, that person will sacrifice in the short-term to maximize long-term interests.

People sacrifice when they choose to go to university, start an apprenticeship program, have children and when they save up to buy their own home. When they know that there are actual large rewards to be had, they will deny themselves instant gratification.

Persuading owners that paying higher condo fees is as important a sacrifice as the items I listed above, would be a hard sell.

Selfishness is expensive

It seems obvious, that when the majority of a group act according to their individual selfishness, the group suffers as a result of conflict and a lack of cooperation.

Some people understand this. That is why they sell their condos and get out quickly before the rot becomes noticeable. Then the expense of the major repairs that will need to be done someday, will be borne by someone else.
(Read: The Market for Lemons.)

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